Step 1 out of 3

Let us help you find
the perfect swimming pool.

To begin, what style of swimming pool do you prefer?

Infinity pool

Step 2 out of 3

Let us help you find
the perfect swimming pool.

What is your ideal budget?

50K - 70K 75K - 90K 90K +

Step 3 out of 3

Book now to secure your price
and get ready to relax by
your pool this summer.

Please leave us your contact information,
and a representative will contact you shortly.

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Owning a piece of paradise in your backyard is no longer a pipe dream:
Val-Mar can make it happen. Built based on architect’s drawings, this high-end residential project will transport you to the Caribbean without the hassle of taking the plane! With an exotic bar and stools, your comfort of southern beaches are all there: salt water, cascading falls and crystal clear water.

Style: Classic

  • Dimensions25′ x 50′
  • Depth0′ to 8′
  • ShapeIrregular- Stylized
  • StepsBeach walk
  • BorderConcrete pavers
  • Contour FinishingConcrete pavers
  • StructureShotcrete
  • Interior finishEpoxy Paint- White

Réalisez vos rêves

Transformer votre cour arrière en véritable petit paradis