Step 1 out of 3

Let us help you find
the perfect swimming pool.

To begin, what style of swimming pool do you prefer?

Infinity pool

Step 2 out of 3

Let us help you find
the perfect swimming pool.

What is your ideal budget?

50K - 70K 75K - 90K 90K +

Step 3 out of 3

Book now to secure your price
and get ready to relax by
your pool this summer.

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and a representative will contact you shortly.

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The “knife edge” is one of the most complex of edge techniques used in swimming pool design and construction. What makes this design so unique, is that there is virtually no edge material or coping. The design is in essence a “knife’s edge.” The water disappears into a slim slot opening contributing to the sleek mirror effect.”

Style: Infinity Edge

  • Dimensions16×60 (1 860 sq.ft.)
  • Depth5'
  • ShapeRectangular with Infinity Edge
  • StepsExterior- 8' wide
  • BorderCeramic
  • Contour FinishingCaillebotis on Stone
  • StructureShotcrete
  • Interior finishPebbleTec - Black Pearl

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